Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska is the not-for-profit wholesale electric supply organization of NMPP Energy, based in Lincoln, Neb.

NMPP Energy is a member-driven coalition of four organizations based in Lincoln, Neb., serving more than 130 communities in Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming. The four organizations of NMPP Energy are:

  • Nebraska Municipal Power Pool (municipal utility advocacy and staffing)
  • Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska (wholesale power supply)
  • National Public Gas Agency (wholesale natural gas supply)
  • Public Alliance for Community Energy (retail natural gas supply)

The National Public Gas Agency is the wholesale natural gas supply organization of NMPP Energy, a coalition of four organizations based in Lincoln, Neb.

MEAN has a suite of energy efficiency programs for its long-term power supply participants. Click here for more information on the programs.

NPGA is a member-driven organization with each NPGA member having a voting representative on the NPGA Board of Directors.

NPGA provides wholesale natural gas to 14 member communities in Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska and five customers in Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and Wyoming. Click here for a list of NPGA members and customers.

The membership of NMPP Energy's coalition of four organizations include more than 130 communities across five states. For a complete list of members served by NMPP Energy organizations, click here.

There are 69 participating communities of MEAN in four states: Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming. Click here for a list of MEAN’s members/participants.

MEAN's regional footprint stretches from Central Iowa across Nebraska and into Colorado and Wyoming. MEAN operates in both the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) and MidContinent ISO Regional Transmission Organizations. MEAN also operates in the Western U.S. through the Western Electricity Coordinating Council, which covers roughly the Western third of the country.

MEAN has a diverse power resource mix that includes electric generation ownership and power purchase agreements. Click here for more on MEAN’s power resources.

NPGA uses several intrastate pipelines to deliver natural gas to its member and customer communities. Pipeline systems include:

  • Northern Natural Gas (NNG)
  • Tallgrass Interstate Gas Transmission (TGT)
  • Southern Star Central (SSC)
  • Kansas Gas Service (KGS)
  • Colorado Interstate Gas (CIG)
  • ANR

Each of the four organizations of NMPP Energy fulfill separate needs to the communities they serve. Collectively, they subscribe to the core philosophies of local control and working together to provide reliable, cost-based energy and energy-related services.

  • Nebraska Municipal Power Pool (municipal utility advocacy)
  • Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska (wholesale power supply)
  • National Public Gas Association (wholesale natural gas supply)
  • Public Alliance for Community Energy (retail natural gas supply)

The NMPP Energy coalition of organizations have member communities in Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and Wyoming. 

The Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska was formed in 1981 with the passing of the Municipal Cooperative Financing Act in the Nebraska Legislature. This legislation allowed municipalities to jointly finance power projects together.